Marina Porto Ottiolu en Budoni Italia | Reserva esta marina en SeasyMarina Porto Ottiolu en Budoni Italia | Reserva esta marina en SeasyMarina Porto Ottiolu en Budoni Italia | Reserva esta marina en Seasy
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Marina Porto Ottiolu

PriceTag-iconMiglior prezzo garantito
Posti barca disponibili:405
Tipo di attracco:Mooring Line
Pescaggio max:3 m
lunghezza massima (LOA):30 m

Marina Porto Ottiolu is a luxurious marina located in the north-east of Sardinia, Italy. Guests can enjoy their time here with a wide range of facilities and services. From the marina, they can access the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea, offering an unforgettable experience. This marina offers 405 berths, each of which is equipped with water, electricity, and a variety of other amenities. Visitors can also take advantage of the nearby restaurants and shops. The Marina also offers a wide range of services, including a fuel station, laundry service, waste disposal, shower and toilet facilities, and more. The Marina Porto Ottiolu is close to some of the most popular attractions in the region. These include the nearby Spiaggia Porto Ottiolu beach, the natural pools of the Cala Brandinchi and Cala Suaraccia, the Nuraghe Santu Antine ruins, and the beautiful La Cinta beach. All of these are easily accessible from the Marina and provide visitors with plenty of opportunities to explore the area.

AmenityWasteDisposal-iconRiciclo dei rifiuti

Informazioni sulla Marina

Booking unavailable
Marina Porto Ottiolu isn't part of Seasy. You can view the contact details of the marina after sign-up.

Amenities at Marina Porto Ottiolu

AmenityCameraSecurity-iconFotocamera di sicurezza
AmenityNightGuard-iconGuardia notturna
AmenityWasteDisposal-iconSmaltimento dei rifiuti

Recensioni dei clienti


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Marine nelle vicinanze

Frequently asked questions
The average price for booking at marina Marina Porto Ottiolu is 157€/night, with the last booking being 136€/night for a boat of 12m.
Marina Porto Ottiolu isn't part of Seasy. You can view the contact details of the marina after sign-in.
On arrival you can contact the marina on VHF channel 9.

Prezzo su richiesta
Last booked for 136€/night (12m LOA)