Marina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo à Laredo Espagne | Réservez cette marina sur SeasyMarina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo à Laredo Espagne | Réservez cette marina sur SeasyMarina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo à Laredo Espagne | Réservez cette marina sur SeasyMarina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo à Laredo Espagne | Réservez cette marina sur SeasyMarina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo à Laredo Espagne | Réservez cette marina sur Seasy
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Marina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo

PriceTag-iconMeilleur prix garanti
Mouillages disponibles:118
Type d'accostage:Mooring Line
Tirant d'eau maximum:4 m
Longueur maximale (LOA):20 m

Marina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo is a bustling and vibrant marina located in Northern Spain. Situated at the mouth of the Ria de Bilbao, the marina offers a variety of services including water and electricity, fuel, technical assistance and maintenance, as well as restaurants and bars. The marina has 118 berths for vessels of all sizes, and offers an array of amenities such as a shopping center, swimming pools, and a playground for children. With its convenient location, visitors can easily explore the nearby city of Bilbao and its many attractions. Popular activities include visiting the iconic Guggenheim Museum, strolling along the Nervion River, and admiring the stunning architecture of the Casco Viejo. In addition, Laredo’s Mediterranean beaches provide the perfect backdrop for a day of relaxation. Whether visitors are looking for vibrant nightlife or natural beauty, Marina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo is the perfect choice for a memorable holiday in Northern Spain.


Aperçu de la Marina

Réservation en ligne

Marina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo est l'un de nos ports partenaires. Votre place sera réservée pour vous immédiatement après la confirmation par le port.

Utilisation de la marina

Marina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo est plus occupé que d'habitude.

Mis à jour il y a 419 jours.

Équipements à Marina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo

AmenityLiftBoat-iconAscenseur à bateau
AmenityCameraSecurity-iconCaméras de sécurité
AmenityRentBike-iconLocation de vélo
AmenityWasteDisposal-iconTraitement des déchets


The maritime accesses to the Marina Puerto Deportivo Laredo are made from a large bay, through the entrance defined between the breakwater with a curved ground plan of more than 700 metres in length and the counterdike located to the south of the same. The navigation channel has a draught of more than 5 metres in relation to the port's depth. By road, it is accessed from the town of Laredo, where it is reached from the Autovía del Cantábrico, the A-8 motorway linking Santander with Bilbao, with two entrances in both directions. In turn, this motorway connects with the entire Cantabrian road network, the Meseta and the Ebro corridor.

Avis des clients


Heures d'ouvertures de Marina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo

09:00 - 22:00
09:00 - 22:00
09:00 - 22:00
09:00 - 22:00
09:00 - 22:00
09:00 - 22:00
09:00 - 22:00

Instructions d'accostage

Once landed in the surroundings of the bay of Santoña, access to the Marina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo is via the entrance defined between the breakwater with a curved ground plan of more than 700 metres in length and the counterdike located to the south of the same, with vessels having a navigation channel with a draught of more than 5.00 metres with reference to the port's zero point.


All prices include VAT, water and electricity supply. You can enquire us about special rates for stays longer than 4 months. Opening hours (except July, August and September): Monday-Friday: 09:00-13:00 & 15:00-18:00. Saturday: 9:00-13:00. Sunday: Closed. Night guards only in summer. Radio service 24/7.

Dis nous en plus


Marinas dans les environs

Questions fréquemment posées
Le prix moyen pour une réservation à Marina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo is 45€/nuit, la dernière réservation faite via Seasy était de 39€/nuit pour un bateau de 10m.
Selon nos données, Marina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo est plus occupé que d'habitude., cette valeur peut varier en fonction des heures de la journée.
Marina Puerto Deportivo de Laredo est l'un de nos ports partenaires. Votre place sera réservée pour vous immédiatement après la confirmation par le port.
A votre arrivée, vous pouvez contacter la marina via VHF canal 9.

Ajoutez des dates pour le prix
Réservé pour 39€/night (10m LOA)