Marina Baie des Anges u Villeneuve Lobet Francuska | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na Seasy

Marina Baie des Anges

PriceTag-iconGarancija najbolje cijene
Raspoloživi vezovi:550
Tip veza:Mooring Line
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Maksimalna dužina (LOA):-

Situated on the stunning French Riviera, the Marina Baie des Anges is an ideal spot for sailing enthusiasts. This top-rated marina offers 550 berths and provides a variety of facilities, including a fuel station, showers, laundry service, and a restaurant, making it a great place to stay and explore the local area. Located in the city of Villeneuve-Loubet, Marina Baie des Anges is close to some of the most iconic sights and attractions in the region. The nearby towns of Nice and Cannes make for great day trips, while the historic Old Town of Antibes is a must-visit. Nature lovers can enjoy a stroll along the Promenade des Anglais that runs along the Mediterranean Sea or explore the nearby hills and forests. The Marina Baie des Anges offers a great base for visitors to the French Riviera, providing secure and comfortable berths and an array of services. Whether you're looking for a place to moor for a few nights or a longer stay, this marina is the perfect spot to discover the beauty of the area.

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AmenityWasteDisposal-iconZaštita okoliša

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Marina Traffic

Marina Baie des Anges is quite busy at the moment.

Last updated 517 days ago.

Amenities at Marina Baie des Anges

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Česta pitanja
According to our data, Marina Baie des Anges is quite busy at the moment. This can change depending on the time of day.
Marina Baie des Anges isn't part of Seasy. You can view the contact details of the marina after sign-in.

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