Marina de Troia u Sesimbra Portugal | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na Seasy

Marina de Troia

PriceTag-iconGarancija najbolje cijene
Raspoloživi vezovi:180
Tip veza:Privezivanje krmom
Maksimalan gaz:-
Maksimalna dužina (LOA):-

Marina de Troia is one of Portugal’s most popular marinas. Located in the Troia peninsula, this 180 berth marina is a great place to visit and relax. It has a wide range of facilities to suit everyone’s needs, including a sailing school, a bar and restaurant, a fuel station, laundry services, and a lift. The marina also provides excellent customer service and support. The area surrounding the marina offers plenty of things to do, with some of the most popular attractions being the Santuario de Troia and the Setubal Castle. The nearby beaches are great for swimming and sunbathing, and the Troia Golf Course is ideal for an afternoon of golf. Visitors can also take part in a variety of watersports such as kitesurfing, windsurfing, and scuba diving. Marina de Troia is the perfect place to get away from it all. With its stunning location and range of facilities, it is the perfect spot to relax and enjoy the beauty of Portugal. Whether you are looking to explore the nearby attractions, take part in watersports, or simply unwind in the marina, Marina de Troia will not disappoint.

AmenityWater-iconPriključak vode
AmenityElectricity-iconPriključak struje
AmenityWasteDisposal-iconZaštita okoliša

Uvidi Marine

Booking unavailable
Marina de Troia isn't part of Seasy. You can view the contact details of the marina after sign-up.
Marina Traffic

Marina de Troia is busier than usual.

Last updated 375 days ago.

Amenities at Marina de Troia

AmenityElectricity-iconPriključak struje
AmenityWasteDisposal-iconOdlaganje otpada
AmenityWater-iconPriključak vode

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Marine u blizini

Česta pitanja
According to our data, Marina de Troia is busier than usual. This can change depending on the time of day.
Marina de Troia isn't part of Seasy. You can view the contact details of the marina after sign-in.
On arrival you can contact the marina on VHF channel 9.

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