Marina El Rompido u El Rompido Španjolska | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na SeasyMarina El Rompido u El Rompido Španjolska | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na SeasyMarina El Rompido u El Rompido Španjolska | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na SeasyMarina El Rompido u El Rompido Španjolska | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na SeasyMarina El Rompido u El Rompido Španjolska | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na Seasy
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Marina El Rompido

PriceTag-iconGarancija najbolje cijene
Raspoloživi vezovi:331
Tip veza:Mooring Line
Maksimalan gaz:4.7 m
Maksimalna dužina (LOA):30 m

Marina El Rompido is a stunning marina located on the Atlantic Coast in the Province of Huelva, Spain. This picturesque marina offers 331 berths for boats of various sizes and is a great destination for anyone looking for a tranquil and beautiful marina experience. Every year, this marina attracts a wide variety of visitors from all over the world who come to enjoy the stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean and the beautiful Mediterranean climate. Marina El Rompido also offers a wide variety of amenities for its visitors, such as a swimming pool, a gym, a tennis court, and a playground. Nearby popular sights and attractions include the Punta del Moral Nature Reserve, the El Rompido Golf Course, the La Flecha Beach, and the Puerto De Mazagón. Visitors of the marina can also take part in a variety of outdoor activities such as fishing, surfing, sailing, and golfing. All these activities combined make Marina El Rompido a great destination for a relaxing and memorable vacation.

AmenityWater-iconPriključak vode
AmenityElectricity-iconPriključak struje
AmenityWasteDisposal-iconZaštita okoliša

Uvidi Marine

Online booking

Marina El Rompido is one of our partner marinas. Your berth will be reserved for you immediately after successful confirmation by the marina.

Response Time

Marina El Rompido obično odgovara na zahtjeve za rezervacijom u 14 sati.

Amenities at Marina El Rompido

AmenityBoatCharter-iconČarter plovila
AmenityWasteDisposal-iconZaštita okoliša
AmenityElectricity-iconPriključak struje
AmenityLaundry-iconPraonica rublja
AmenityNightGuard-iconNoćni stražar
AmenityRentBike-iconNajam bicikla
AmenityRentCar-iconNajam automobila
AmenityShipChandler-iconOpskrba plovila
AmenityWasteDisposal-iconOdlaganje otpada
AmenityWater-iconPriključak vode


Approach from offshore with approximate coordinates of 37º 11.580'N and 007º 03.160' W, in this situation to the north we can see the landfall buoy that indicates the navigable channel. The navigation channel is variable in the area of the shallows (from the landfall buoy to navigating in the river) and the competent administration makes an effort to mark it. The position of the buoys is updated several times a year. It is useful for the navigator to know that with an easterly wind in the Strait of Gibraltar the tide levels can rise up to 20 cm. above the forecast, and with a strong N-westerly wind the opposite effect occurs. The draft at the mouth is reduced to 1 metre of water at low tide, and during high tide the drafts vary from 3 to 4.7 metres deep, so the best time to enter the Strait of Gibraltar for vessels with a deeper draft is close to high tide.

Recenzije korisnika


Opening Hours of Marina El Rompido

09:00 - 21:00
09:00 - 21:00
09:00 - 21:00
09:00 - 21:00
09:00 - 21:00
09:00 - 21:00
09:00 - 21:00


Water and electricity of the berth included in price. For moorings of 30 days or more, please send us your request for a quotation to present you the prices with the respective discount.

Reci nam više


Marine u blizini

Česta pitanja
The average price for booking at marina Marina El Rompido is 61€/night, with the last booking being 113€/night for a boat of 20m.
Marina El Rompido is one of our partner marinas. Your berth will be reserved for you immediately after successful confirmation by the marina.
On arrival you can contact the marina on VHF channel 71.

60.50€/noć prosječno
Last booked for 113€/night (20m LOA)