Marina le Saline u Venezia Italija | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na Seasy

Marina le Saline

PriceTag-iconGarancija najbolje cijene
Raspoloživi vezovi:450
Tip veza:Mooring Line
Maksimalan gaz:5 m
Maksimalna dužina (LOA):30 m

Marina Le Saline is a prestigious and modern marina situated in the Venetian Lagoon of the Adriatic Sea. With a capacity of 450 berths, the marina provides a secure and well-maintained environment for all kinds of vessels. The marina offers excellent amenities and services, including a restaurant, a bar, a minimarket, a laundry, and a fuel station. The marina is also conveniently located near many popular attractions in the area. Visitors can easily reach Venice’s historic center, with its beautiful canals, traditional gondolas, and amazing architecture. The towns of Chioggia and Sottomarina are also nearby, with plenty of shopping and dining options. Nature lovers will enjoy the nearby Venetian wetlands and the lush greenery of the Adriatic coastline. Marina Le Saline is a premier marina in the Venetian Lagoon that offers all the amenities and services for a comfortable and enjoyable yachting experience. The marina’s convenient location gives visitors easy access to Venice, Chioggia, Sottomarina, and the many attractions of the Venetian Lagoon and the Adriatic Sea.

AmenityWater-iconPriključak vode
AmenityElectricity-iconPriključak struje
AmenityWasteDisposal-iconZaštita okoliša

Uvidi Marine

Booking unavailable
Marina le Saline isn't part of Seasy. You can view the contact details of the marina after sign-up.
Marina Traffic

Marina le Saline is quite busy at the moment.

Last updated 524 days ago.

Amenities at Marina le Saline

AmenityElectricity-iconPriključak struje
AmenityWater-iconPriključak vode

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Marine u blizini

Česta pitanja
According to our data, Marina le Saline is quite busy at the moment. This can change depending on the time of day.
Marina le Saline isn't part of Seasy. You can view the contact details of the marina after sign-in.
On arrival you can contact the marina on VHF channel 8.

Cijena na upit
Last booked for 0€/night (13m LOA)