Marina Russo Raffaele Ormeggi u Acciaroli Italija | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na Seasy

Marina Russo Raffaele Ormeggi

PriceTag-iconGarancija najbolje cijene
Raspoloživi vezovi:35
Tip veza:Mooring Line
Maksimalan gaz:3 m
Maksimalna dužina (LOA):10 m

Marina Russo Raffaele Ormeggi is an excellent choice for boaters looking to moor their vessels in the Bay of Naples. Located in the municipality of Castellammare di Stabia, this marina provides 35 berths and offers stunning views of the Neapolitan coast. The marina is also conveniently located close to a variety of popular destinations. The Marina is located close to the historic city of Pompeii, the ruins of which are an incredible sight to behold. The nearby Sant'Agnello Promenade is a popular spot for visitors and locals alike, with plenty of restaurants and bars to enjoy. Visitors to the area can also explore the ancient town of Stabiae and the ruins of Oplontis. Marina Russo Raffaele Ormeggi is a great place to moor your boat and explore the area. The marina offers a range of amenities for boaters, including electric hook-up, water, fuel, and a shower and toilet block. With its convenient location, beautiful views, and excellent facilities, Marina Russo Raffaele Ormeggi is a great choice for boaters looking to explore the Bay of Naples.

AmenityWater-iconPriključak vode
AmenityElectricity-iconPriključak struje
AmenityWasteDisposal-iconZaštita okoliša

Uvidi Marine

Booking unavailable
Marina Russo Raffaele Ormeggi isn't part of Seasy. You can view the contact details of the marina after sign-up.
Marina Traffic

Marina Russo Raffaele Ormeggi is not busy at the moment.

Last updated 381 days ago.

Amenities at Marina Russo Raffaele Ormeggi

AmenityElectricity-iconPriključak struje
AmenityNightGuard-iconNoćni stražar
AmenityWater-iconPriključak vode

Recenzije korisnika


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Marine u blizini

Česta pitanja
According to our data, Marina Russo Raffaele Ormeggi is not busy at the moment. This can change depending on the time of day.
Marina Russo Raffaele Ormeggi isn't part of Seasy. You can view the contact details of the marina after sign-in.
On arrival you can contact the marina on VHF channel 10.

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