Porto turistico di Roma u Rome Italija | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na SeasyPorto turistico di Roma u Rome Italija | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na SeasyPorto turistico di Roma u Rome Italija | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na SeasyPorto turistico di Roma u Rome Italija | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na SeasyPorto turistico di Roma u Rome Italija | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na SeasyPorto turistico di Roma u Rome Italija | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na SeasyPorto turistico di Roma u Rome Italija | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na SeasyPorto turistico di Roma u Rome Italija | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na SeasyPorto turistico di Roma u Rome Italija | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na SeasyPorto turistico di Roma u Rome Italija | Rezervirajte ovu marinu na Seasy
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Porto turistico di Roma

PriceTag-iconGarancija najbolje cijene
Raspoloživi vezovi:833
Tip veza:Muring, Catway
Maksimalan gaz:4 m
Maksimalna dužina (LOA):60 m

Porto Turistico di Roma, located in Ostia on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, offers a wealth of nautical experiences. This marina is the perfect spot for both short and long-term stays, boasting 833 berths and a wide range of facilities and services including technical assistance, fuel station, parking area and much more. Being close to the city of Rome, the marina is an ideal starting point to explore some of the most renowned sights of the capital, such as the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Pantheon and the Trevi Fountain. Easily reachable by boat, Ostia Antica, the ruins of the ancient Roman port, are also well worth a visit. The marina’s modern facilities, services and convenient location make it the perfect place for sailing and cruising. With its atmosphere of relaxation and safety, Porto Turistico di Roma is the ideal place for an unforgettable stay.

AmenityWater-iconPriključak vode
AmenityElectricity-iconPriključak struje
AmenityWasteDisposal-iconZaštita okoliša

Uvidi Marine

Booking unavailable
Porto turistico di Roma isn't part of Seasy. You can view the contact details of the marina after sign-up.
Marina Traffic

Porto turistico di Roma is not busy at the moment.

Last updated 406 days ago.

Amenities at Porto turistico di Roma

AmenityWasteDisposal-iconZaštita okoliša
AmenityElectricity-iconPriključak struje
AmenityLaundry-iconPraonica rublja
AmenityRentCar-iconNajam automobila
AmenityShipChandler-iconOpskrba plovila
AmenityWasteDisposal-iconOdlaganje otpada
AmenityWater-iconPriključak vode

Recenzije korisnika


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Marine u blizini

Česta pitanja
The average price for booking at marina Porto turistico di Roma is 75€/night, with the last booking being 70€/night for a boat of 13m.
According to our data, Porto turistico di Roma is not busy at the moment. This can change depending on the time of day.
Porto turistico di Roma isn't part of Seasy. You can view the contact details of the marina after sign-in.
On arrival you can contact the marina on VHF channel 74.

Cijena na upit
Last booked for 70€/night (13m LOA)